Revision Tips

How to revise for exams, top tips and links to help you along the way.

How to revise – top tips

  1. Start to revise early, don’t leave revision to the last minute
  2. Decide what you’re going to revise
  3. Create a workspace
  4. Make a plan, create a revision timetable
  5. Find a method that works for you, there are various techniques to try such as flashcards and mind maps
  6. Eat healthily, eating a healthy, balanced diet will leave you feeling more focused.
  7. Regular exercise
  8. Take breaks, if you start to lose focus, do something different
  9. Get a good nights sleep, try to keep late nights to a minimum
  10. Stay calm and positive, this is one of the most important things to remember during the whole exam process

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Geography Revision